
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chico and Delamar

How would you characterize a good radio program? Would stay tune in one radio program for more than an hour? Would you laugh with the Disc jocks if they laugh? Or just press that button and listen elsewhere?

Yesterday, I was bored as hell! I got tons of things to do in my mind. My ass was nailed in front of this monitor thinking what to do. I was on iTunes, thinking what’s in there to download. I began to think why not try podcast and in an instant, I was downloading Chico and Delmar’s radio program. I was furious about the speed of the internet as I was excited to hear their bedroom voices again. Again?? Well, yeah I used to listen to them back when I was in college I think. I find them so perky, especially in the mornings, they have the power to kick your brains and laugh with them. I just admire their wit and intelligence!

So, downloading complete! I got my first dose of, “Morning Rush Daily Top 10.” Well, it was around 1 o’clock and still not in my usual me. I pressed play and boom!! It was a delight to hear their voices. How articulate they are, their tone was superb. The topic was 10 things to say to a lousy lover. I was laughing every time they would react to the sender’s statements. And loved the way they explain things in a way that it’s not going to come out as a vulgar words. MTRCB is listening! Laughs! I can’t also discount the fact that I learned some new things from their radio program. Dumb as I can be, now I know that putting water in a microwave is not good because can explode into your face the moment you remove the container from the oven, and also that thing about black and white. White is the presence of all the colors and Black is the absence of all colors! Whatever it is, it’s like that.

So I was in the couch for more than an hour, listening and laughing and also learning. If the radio program is as good as Chico and Delamar’s, I won’t definitely mind hearing their voices and listening to them everyday. I won’t change channel as well just to get my Morning Rush with Chico and Delamar fix everyday. But unfortunately, I’m not able to, good thing I can grab it from podcast! :)

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